Saturday, September 12, 2009

*sigh* Student Loans.

This is the first autumn in 16 years (note: I'm merely 22 years of age) that I have not gone "back to school." No new pens. No first day. No glossy new textbooks. I'll admit, the thought chokes me up a bit. Although, I'm sure I'll feel better once my full-time-student-husband pulls his first all-nighter of the semester. I'm pretty vindictive sometimes.

One new thing I have garnered is the knowledge that all that money that the government lent me these past four years, they now want back. I know. Sick.

So, I phoned my loan officer, Ms. Cash, (not even joking) to explain that I'm rather low income and my husband is still in school, so can I please, please join the low-income payment plan. The conversation went something like this.

Me: Can I apply for the low-income program?
Her: Absolutely. I can fax you an application right away.
Me: Great, thanks.
Her: So, just so I can give you a heads up on whether or not you qualify, can you tell me what your gross monthly income is?
Me: Yup. It's about 1600 a month.
Her: *long pause* know, I won't even send you the application. You'll qualify.

I'm very grateful...and a bit insulted.